Appian Way

Appian Way

This was the first digital photo I took I liked, with an iPhone anyway, it’s from 2011. Probably the first photo I liked since the mid-’90s. It’s from a small street in Harvard Square called the Appian Way, which struck a chord since I took so much...


Animated images from the series Daystream. ‘Moth Wings’ music by Benoit Pioulard. These images were created back in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Mostly taken with a Hasselblad 2 1/4 camera handheld, moving hence the blur, with Fujichromr and...


Photos of the US and Mexico by Harry Bartlett. From the series Pictur Pomes. Music by Richard Thompson, Treadwell No...
Middle One

Middle One

Our middle son, only months old – it was near Christmas time in Topsfield if I remember correctly. He perched on the table well-fed and happy, chubby cheeks and all. And what a smile.


Photography from the 1980s and ’90s of Europe – mostly of Dublin, Barcelona, Madrid, and Lisbon. From the series Pictur Pomes, animated photography with music by Sigur Ros, “Ba Ba”....