by Harry Bartlett | Jul 10, 1988 | Travel
Along the coast, Dublin Port where the ferries land this was taken. After staying up all night with newly met friends playing guitar on the ferry drinking endless Carlsburg beers, the next morning walking onto Ireland for the first time it was quite the beautiful spot...
by Harry Bartlett | Jul 9, 1988 | Travel
Somewhere in London, a city of classic architecture and statues back in the 1980s. While traveling from city to city down to Morocco I spent my days looking for photos and this one appeared in an odd way, a backlit statue emphasizing the form and adding to a haunting...
by Harry Bartlett | Jul 7, 1988 | Travel
In Lisbon by the Tagus river, I believe… two young lovers in an embrace oblivious to the industrial tankers nearby. Traveling to Lisbon for the first time in the 1980s, I had taken an overnight train from Madrid. It was enchanting indeed with the seven hills. I...
by Harry Bartlett | Aug 29, 1986 | Art Photo
Stills from the AV installation Pleasure in the Moment created in 1986.
by Harry Bartlett | Jan 25, 1986 | Music
Bobby Goodreau was the lead singer for the Queers before Joe King took over and Joe is still at it to this day last I heard. The first time I saw Bobby was at Johnny D’s in Allston, not to be confused with Johnny D’s in Davis Square. This place was an old...